Spring, my birth, my lonely tango...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010 | |

. . . for me there lies,
Within the lights and shadows of your eyes,
The only beauty that is never old.
                                                                   James Weldon Johnson (1871–1938)
                                                                                         from "Beauty That Is Never Old"

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Photos by Irene L. you can see some of her impressive photo works here at PICS24h. IMO what she does is capturing a dream in a photo frame. how can she do this? dunno...


leila said...

اون دختره، با چشمای آبیش، یه چیزی تو چشماش داره.یه چیزی می خواد بگه!یه چیزی که نمی دونم!
تولدت یه بار دیگه مبارک

Babak said...

birth: the first and direst of all disasters
با اجازه لینکت می کنم

月光 said...


ممنون بابت لینک

شادي باقي said...

هميشه شاد باشيد و راضي

شادي باقي said...

هميشه شاد باشيد و راضي